
Sales Pipeline Metrics to Track for Trade Companies

November 1, 2023 | Read: 9 minutes

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This article will look at the key sales pipeline metrics that every trade or field service company should track.

One of the most effective ways to achieve lasting business growth is by monitoring and optimizing your sales pipeline.

By improving how you manage sales, you’ll have no trouble overtaking your competition.

We’ll explain what each metric measures, how to measure it, and the benefits of doing so.

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What are Sales Pipeline Metrics?

Before we dive into the specific metrics, let’s break down the definition of sales pipeline metrics: 

Sales pipeline metrics are quantitative measurements that provide insights into the health and performance of your sales pipeline. They help trade companies assess their sales processes, identify bottlenecks, and make informed decisions to improve efficiency and boost revenue. Utilizing a robust sales pipeline tool is crucial for effectively monitoring and managing these metrics.

Six Reasons Why Pipeline Metrics Matter

Below are six reasons why sales pipeline metrics need to be tracked: 

sales pipeline metrics checklist image
  1. Performance Evaluation: Metrics help evaluate the effectiveness of your sales strategies and tactics. 
  2. Data-Driven Decisions: They provide you with data to help you make informed decisions and optimally allocate resources. 
  3. Forecasting: Metrics aid in predicting future revenue and sales trends. 
  4. Process Optimization: With clear data, you can easily identify weaknesses in the pipeline allowing for process improvements. 
  5. Customer Insights: Metrics can reveal details about customer behavior and patterns that will help you expand your client base and increase customer satisfaction. 
  6. Goal Tracking: Pipeline metrics help you track progress toward sales KPIs and revenue goals.

Key Sales Pipeline Metrics to Monitor

Here are a wide variety of sales pipeline metrics you can monitor:

Average Client Acquisition Cost (CAC)

Average Client Acquisition Cost (CAC) is calculated by dividing the total sales and marketing costs by the number of new clients acquired. 

To measure this, sum up all expenses related to acquiring new clients— including marketing campaigns, sales team salaries, and any other associated costs—then divide it by the total number of new clients gained during a specific period.

By working out this cost, you can make informed decisions about your company’s marketing and sales strategies, budget allocation, and pricing structures.

A lower CAC indicates more efficient customer acquisition, while a higher CAC may signal the need for adjustments in marketing tactics or targeting.

Average Deal Size

Average Deal Size is determined by dividing the total value of deals by the number of deals that were successfully closed within a given period. This metric provides insight into the typical value of transactions closed by the sales team.

Tracking the average deal size is necessary when setting sales targets. It enables trade companies to identify trends in deal size and tailor their strategies accordingly. An increase in the average deal size will directly impact revenue growth, making it a vital metric for business success.

Average Sales Cycle Length

Average Sales Cycle Length measures the amount of time it takes to close a deal. To calculate it, sum up the total number of days it took to close deals and divide by the number of deals closed within a specific timeframe.

Shortening the average sales cycle length should be a priority for trade companies, as it speeds up cash flow and increases profits. By monitoring this metric, companies can identify stages in the sales process that may be causing delays and take steps to streamline and accelerate the cycle.


The Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) to Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) Ratio is calculated by dividing the CLV by the CAC. 

CLV is the expected revenue generated from a customer throughout their entire relationship with the company, while CAC represents the cost of acquiring that customer.

A CLV:CAC ratio greater than 1 indicates that the company is generating more revenue from a customer than it costs to acquire them, signifying a sustainable and profitable customer base. 

Conversion Rate

Conversion Rate is determined by taking the number of conversions (leads turning into customers) and dividing it by the total number of leads, then multiplying by 100 to get a percentage.

Conversion rate is a fundamental metric for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing and sales efforts. A higher conversion rate means that a higher percentage of leads are becoming paying customers. 

Trade companies can use this metric to assess the quality of leads, optimize marketing campaigns, and fine-tune their sales processes to improve conversion rates.

Customer Churn Rate

If you’re having trouble driving repeat business, take a look at your Customer Churn Rate. It can be calculated by dividing the number of lost customers during a specific period by the total number of customers at the beginning of that period. 

A high customer churn rate can be detrimental to a trade company’s overall success. Tracking this metric allows businesses to identify why customers are leaving or not using their services more than once. In this way, customer churn rate is a key metric for better understanding customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Deal Drop-off by Stage

Deal Drop-off by Stage tracks the number of deals that are lost or abandoned somewhere in the sales process. Understanding where deals drop off is crucial for optimizing your sales pipeline. 

This metric helps businesses to identify areas where improvements are needed. For example, customers may be dropping off after you send the initial proposal due to communication issues. Monitoring where deals are falling through the cracks, perhaps due to a late proposal, or delayed response to a job request will help field service companies to identify and fix these problems. 

For instance, if manual communications are causing problems, then it could indicate that implementing automated responses could help close more deals, ultimately leading to more completed jobs. 

Deal Loss Reasons

Deal Loss reasons involve categorizing and tracking the specific reasons why deals are lost or do not end up picking your services. 

By analyzing and categorizing why this happens, trade companies gain actionable insights into their strengths and weaknesses. 

This information allows for tailored improvements in sales strategies and service offerings, increasing win rate.

Deal Profitability

Deal Profitability calculates the profit generated from each closed deal by subtracting the total cost of sales from the total deal value. 

Trade companies rely on this metric to confirm that the revenue generated from closed deals outweighs the costs associated with acquiring and servicing those deals. 

Monitoring this lets businesses assess the health of individual deals and manage inventory or other factors to help them profit the most. 

Lead Volume

Lead Volume tracks the total number of new leads generated during a specific period. It’s used for evaluating the effectiveness of marketing efforts and a high lead volume indicates strong demand for the company’s products or services. If you’re on the other side, it may signal the need for new marketing efforts or improved lead-generation strategies.

Lead Source

Lead Source categorizes leads based on the channel or method through which they were acquired, such as social media, email marketing, referrals, or organic website visits. Identifying the most effective lead sources is required if you want your marketing efforts to pay off. 

By understanding which channels yield the highest-quality leads, trade companies can allocate resources optimally and tailor their marketing campaigns for better results.

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs)

Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLS) represent leads that have met predefined criteria for marketing qualification, indicating that they are more likely to convert into paying customers. This could mean they’ve submitted a form through your website or reached out to learn more about a service.

MQLs help assess the quality of leads generated by marketing efforts. Focusing on these leads allows the sales team to prioritize their efforts on prospects with a higher likelihood of conversion, resulting in improved targeting and higher conversion rates.

Number of Closed Deals

The Number of Closed Deals simply counts the total number of deals that have been successfully closed within a given period. This metric directly reflects the performance of the sales team and its ability to convert leads.

Number of Referrals

The Number of Referrals tracks the total number of referrals received from existing customers. Referrals are often high-quality leads that come with an above-average probability of conversion. This metric not only indicates customer satisfaction but also reduces customer acquisition costs by leveraging word-of-mouth marketing.

Pipeline Value

Pipeline Value represents the total value of all deals currently in the sales pipeline. Monitoring pipeline value provides trade companies with insights into the potential revenue that can be realized in the near future. It allows field service businesses to set realistic revenue targets and use their resources to achieve those goals. 

plant growing to resemble revenue growth

Revenue Growth by Product Line

This metric involves comparing revenue growth for different product or service lines within the company’s portfolio. Revenue growth by product line helps trade companies identify which products or services are performing well or needed most in your service areas.

Sales Pipeline Velocity

Sales Pipeline Velocity is calculated by dividing the number of deals in the pipeline by the average sales cycle length. This metric provides insights into the speed at which deals move through the sales pipeline. 

A higher velocity indicates that deals are progressing at or above industry standards, contributing to improved cash flow and revenue generation. 

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs)

Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) represent leads that meet specific criteria and have been deemed ready for direct sales engagement. Identifying SQLs ensures that the sales team is focused on leads with the highest potential for conversion. This streamlines the sales process and increases the chances of closing deals.

Sales Revenue

Sales Revenue represents the total revenue generated directly from sales efforts. It can be the best metric for evaluating the performance of the sales team and their contribution to the company’s bottom line. Trade companies rely on this metric to assess the overall health of their sales operations.

Start Gaining Crucial Pipeline Insights Today!

Incorporating these sales pipeline metrics into your trade company’s tracking and analysis processes will enable you to make data-driven decisions, optimize sales strategies, and ultimately drive sustainable growth and profitability. 

Each metric plays a unique role in improving different aspects of the sales process, leading to better outcomes and a competitive edge in your industry.

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