
Customer Database

Store All Customer Information in One Secure Location

Our cloud-based customer database allows you to manage customer records from anywhere. You can manage customer accounts, organize jobs and appointments, and handle communications, all while improving your overall business strategy and organization.

hvac Customer database software screenshot

Customer Database Features to Write Home About

Centralized Client Data

Our CRM database collates customer, job, and communication records into one, eliminating paper trails.

Protected Digital Records

All Commusoft data is safely stored in the cloud, so you don't have to worry about losing crucial customer data.

Organize Customer Communications

Send emails, text messages, log phone calls, add call notes, and see all past communication history.

Mobile and Web

Commusoft's customer database is available 24/7 on both web and mobile applications.

Automated Communications

Automate tasks like confirmations and reminders, service reminders, and customer feedback requests.

Manage Data Anywhere

We give you the flexibility to manage customer information from anywhere.


Commercial Director

Ayrshire Tree Surgeons

What Commusoft has allowed us to do is to track repeat customer business and allow customers, who have had a lovely experience the year before, or the year before that, we’ve been able to match that against the same squad, so there’s continuity for that customer.

Develop Unmatched Customer Experiences

Cater To Different Customer Types


Many field service businesses handle an array of customers and properties. Our customer database keeps all relevant and necessary information, such as service contracts, job reports, and contact information in one location. No more mishandled paperwork or missed communications; admins will have access to everything they need.

  • Private customers, companies, schools, and more
  • Customers with multiple properties can also be set
  • Link properties to a main contact, like a landlord
hvac Customer database software screenshot

Give Exceptional Customer Care


Please customers with effective communications. Pull their specific problems, job history straight from Commusoft’s customer records. Your team can log phone calls in our system, and add notes, plus see a history of all prior communications.

  • All customer information, organized in one place
  • Reach out with text, calls, text, email, or mail
  • Pinpoint call logs and customers notes with ease
HVAC software customer database

Discover How to Improve Customer Satisfaction!

Work With Essential CRM Data On Hand

All the Data Your Team Needs


  • See the big picture with full customer lists
  • Reports include address, email, phone number, etc.
  • Filter reports to see specific views of customers
customer database reports

Save Time by Automating Tasks

Commusoft's automations

Concentrate on high value activities while Commusoft takes care of your repetitive tasks. You can streamline and automate many tasks, including appointment confirmations and reminders, service reminders, and customer feedback requests, and more.

  • Optimize productivity for your entire team
  • Create a smoother experience for your clientele
  • Automate customer renewals and recurring billing
personalize communications with Commusoft's customer database

Even More Customer Database Features

  • Manage Customer Details

    Collect customer information that's important for your business. Whether it's files, photos, or technical info, we make sure it's all easy to find.

    attach files to commusoft customer accounts
  • Record Customer Assets

    Save detailed asset records for all customers. Give your technicians relevant site information, and help them get the job done quicker.

    technical references and assets with commusoft customer database
  • Protect Digital Records

    Commusoft is a cloud based CRM that uses role-based security. We use network drive storage to host critical client data, encrypting data at rest.

    Confifure custom security levels
  • Customizable Message Templates

    Send the right message for the occasion with our message templates. All messages can be automatically personalized with the customer’s details.

    personalize communications with Commusoft's customer database

Even More Customer Database Features

Customer Database FAQs

  • Customer database software is a digital solution that organizes vital customer records while replacing the need for traditional paper files. This system helps admin teams boost efficiency and accuracy while helping customers.

    The ability to quickly pinpoint information means your team can help more customers quicker. This seems small, but great customer experiences pay off. Quick responses and organized records can improve your company’s reputation, making it easier to win more business.

  • Our customer database centralizes important customer details and information, saving your team valuable time when they need to quickly locate what they need.

    A quick response rate and knowledge about their inquiry can impress customers while showing them you care!

    For a growth centered business, customer experience is everything. After all, happier customers lead to better word of mouth about your business, increasing new and repeat appointments.

    Ready to see Commusoft in action? Book a demo with our team today!

  • Commusoft is so much more than a CRM; we’re an all-in-one job management platform offering solutions including technician scheduling, customer service contracts, inventory management, invoicing, financial reporting, and much more.

    Basic customer database software is a digital solution that replaces the need for traditional paper files. Commusoft does this and takes it further. We centralize vital customer records in one place, meaning your team can respond quicker, arrive on site sooner, and bring home profits faster.

  • Our customer database software pricing depends on how many licenses you need, and which of our powerful plans you choose.

    Learn more about each of our plans ➞

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