
How To Write A Plumbing Invoice

March 18, 2023 | Read: 10 minutes

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Designing and sending out a plumbing invoice that facilitates transactions between plumbing businesses and their clients is a daily task in the industry.

At a minimum, it’s required if you want to get paid for all the hard work your plumbing company completes…

Crafting a well-organized and professional plumbing invoice ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding the services provided and the associated costs. 

In this guide, we will walk you through the process of creating an effective plumbing invoice that ensures you get paid promptly and helps maintain positive client relationships.

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What Is a Plumbing Invoice?

A plumbing invoice serves as a detailed record of the services rendered by a plumber. It outlines the tasks completed, materials used, labor hours invested, and the overall cost of the services provided. 

This document acts as a formal request for payment and provides clients with a clear breakdown of the charges associated with their plumbing needs. 

A well-constructed plumbing invoice not only reflects professionalism but also instills trust and transparency between the service provider and the client.

Importance of Well-Structured Plumbing Invoices

The importance of a well-structured plumbing invoice isn’t usually apparent until customers or clients start ghosting you on payments. The larger your business gets, the harder it will be to manage invoices if you aren’t equipped with the knowledge and best technology for your business. 

Below are six reasons why you should take the time and create the perfect plumbing invoice:

1. Clarity and Transparency:

A clear and detailed invoice leaves no room for confusion or misunderstandings. Providing clients with a transparent breakdown of costs fosters trust and makes it likely for them to return to your business when demonstrating honesty and openness in billing practices. 

2. Professionalism:

Nobody likes dealing with a tricky payment process. An organized invoice demonstrates your professionalism and attention to detail. It reflects positively on your business and benefits your reputation as a reliable service provider. 

3. Timely Payments:

Invoices that are easy to understand and accurately represent the services provided are more likely to be paid promptly. A well-structured invoice helps you maintain a healthy cash flow for your plumbing business. 

4. Dispute Resolution:

If a client makes a dispute surrounding the work or invoice, a well-documented service history and receipts to back it up serve as evidence to resolve issues quickly. This can prevent potential conflicts and maintain a positive client relationship. 

5. Legal Compliance:

Properly structured invoices often include necessary legal information, such as tax details and business registration numbers, ensuring you meet regulatory requirements. Legal trouble can be costly for any business, so it’s best to avoid it at all costs and always double-check an invoice before sending it out. 

6. Client Trust:

Providing clients with a transparent breakdown of costs fosters trust. Clients are more likely to return to a company that has consistently shown honesty and openness in its billing practices. It only takes one mistake to lose that valuable business. 

Key Elements of a Plumbing Invoice

When creating a plumbing invoice, it’s crucial to include the following key elements to ensure a comprehensive billing process:

Heading Information

At the top of the invoice, prominently display your business name, logo, address, phone number, and email address. This information provides clients with a quick way to contact you for any questions or clarifications.

Customer Details

Clearly state your client’s name, address, and contact information. Accurate customer details prevent any confusion about the recipient of the invoice and establish a professional rapport. If your technician needs to reference the customer info, they’ll be happy to have it in multiple places. 

A Unique Invoice Number

Assign a distinct invoice number and indicate the date of issuance. This unique identifier helps streamline your invoicing process and allows for easy reference or lookup if the client has any questions about their invoice after processing. 

Itemization of Services Provided (Include Photos if Possible)

A well-structured breakdown helps clients understand the scope of work. If applicable, consider including photos that showcase completed tasks, offering visual clarity and reinforcing the value of your plumbing services.

Materials and Labor Costs Breakdown

Don’t forget to outline the costs associated with both materials and labor. Separate these expenses for each service, allowing clients to comprehend the individual components contributing to the total cost.

Subtotal and Any Applicable Taxes

Calculate and present the subtotal of the services before taxes. If relevant, clearly indicate the types and rates of taxes applied. This ensures clients are aware of the taxation aspect of the invoice.

Total Amount Due and Payment Methods

Summarize the total amount due for the services rendered. Provide a concise overview of the costs, including materials, labor, and taxes. Additionally, specify the accepted payment methods for the client’s convenience.

Payment Terms and Due Dates

Communicate the terms and conditions related to payments. Include details about due dates and preferred payment methods. If your business offers discounts or has policies for late payments, this is the place to outline them clearly.

9 Tips for Writing and Sending Plumbing Invoices

Crafting effective plumbing invoices requires attention to detail and professionalism. You should always be looking to avoid invoicing mistakes – here are some tips to consider when writing and sending your invoices:

1. Create Your Own Invoices

Designing your own invoices allows you to customize the appearance of the document to match your brand identity. While using pre-made templates is convenient, creating your own invoices gives you more control over the layout, color scheme, and overall design. You can include your business logo, choose fonts that align with your brand, and arrange the elements in a way that suits your style.

2. Get a Custom Plumbing Invoice Made For You

If you don’t have a graphic designer on your marketing team or prefer a highly professional look, consider investing in custom invoice design. Hiring a professional designer can result in a unique, visually appealing invoice that perfectly represents your plumbing business. Custom invoices can incorporate your logo, colors, and branding elements seamlessly, leaving a lasting impression on your clients.

3. Provide Clear Descriptions of Services

When describing the services you provided on the invoice, clarity is key. Use concise language that accurately explains each task or repair you performed. Avoid using jargon that might confuse your clients. If necessary, use bullet points or a numbered list to break down the different services you’ve completed, making it easy for clients to understand what they are being billed for.

4. Use Professional Formatting

A well-formatted invoice is not only visually appealing but also easier to read and understand. Use headings and subheadings to organize the content, making it simple for clients to find the information they need. Consider using tables for itemizing services, materials, and costs, which can present complex information in a clear and organized manner.

5. Add Your Branding

Incorporating your business branding into the invoice helps reinforce your professionalism and builds brand recognition. Place your business logo prominently at the top of the invoice. Use colors and fonts consistent with your brand identity throughout the document. Consistent branding creates a cohesive image of your business and enhances the overall credibility of your invoices.

6. Send Invoices at Optimal Times

Timing plays a crucial role in getting invoices paid promptly. Send your invoices as soon as the services are completed, while the project details are still fresh in your client’s mind. Timely invoicing increases the chances of quick payment and reduces the possibility of clients forgetting about the services you provide.

7. How You Should Invoice

Clearly state all accepted payment methods on the invoice. This information helps clients understand how they can make their payments. If you accept various payment options or have a self-service portal, list them all with any relevant details. Include information about bank transfers, checks, credit card payments, and any online payment platforms you use.

8. Send Polite Reminders

If a payment becomes overdue, sending a polite reminder can be effective. Sometimes, clients simply overlook the invoice or get busy with their schedules. A gentle reminder with a brief message can prompt them to take action and settle their payment.

9. Have Demand Letters Ready

In cases of persistent non-payment, having demand letters prepared can be useful. These letters are more formal than reminders and escalate the seriousness of the situation. Clearly state the outstanding balance, any potential late fees, and a final payment deadline. Demand letters can be essential if you need to take legal action to recover your payments.

Free Plumbing Invoice Template

Feel free to use the example text below to help start your plumbing invoice template! 

At the top of the page, you’ll want to include a header that states the document is an invoice and your company logo. Below that, you’ll want to include your company information, invoice number (for internal tracking), due date, and the customer’s personal information. 

Plumbing Invoice (Insert Company Logo)


Owner/Company Name, Billing Address, Phone Number, Invoice Number, and Due Date.  


Customer or Client Name, Address, Phone Number, and any other necessary information about the transaction. 

Once you lay out that information, you’ll want to have a table or chart below that details the work that was done and the cost for it. Don’t forget to include any taxes and discounts! The table should look something like this:

Dishwasher Repair (labor)2$75/hr$150
New Drainage Pipe1$45$195
State Sales Tax$9.75 (5%)$204.75
Discount$20.48 (10%)$20.48

Now that the customer knows how much they’re paying – it’s important to notify them of the terms and conditions of the invoice. This can be a quick section that restates the cost and how long they have to send the payment. You should also include a quick statement on what happens if the payment becomes late. 

Example of Terms & Conditions

Please send payment to the billing address listed above by (date) or within (X) days of receiving this invoice. There will be an additional charge of ($X) per day if the payment is late. Thank you for your business, please call us at the number listed above if you have any questions.

If your business accepts customer reviews or testimonials, you can include another statement at the bottom that says:

If you’d like to leave us a review – please visit our website (or social media) 

Don’t forget to include any relevant links – or if this is a physical invoice – your web address and social media handles. The more people can see about your business online, the more likely they’ll choose you for their plumbing needs. 

Utilize Invoicing Software for Efficiency

To streamline your invoicing process, consider utilizing invoicing software.

The best technology offers templates, automation, and tracking features that can significantly improve your invoicing strategy. 

On top of that, software that offers cost-effective and straightforward payment methods for clients will make everyone’s life easier and increase customer ratings!

Start Writing Better Plumbing Invoices Today! 

By following these tips and utilizing the resources available, you can create and send plumbing invoices that not only reflect your professionalism but also result in clear communication and timely payments.

Effective invoicing contributes to the success of your plumbing business and maintains high customer satisfaction

Click below and download our free guide to sending an invoice that customers will pay!

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