
The Guide to Pest Control Marketing

October 24, 2022 | Read: 7 minutes


Marketing any business can be tricky, and pest control marketing is no different. You have to take a good look at your audience, how you’re going to reach them, and what they need most from you.

But what else is there?

Let’s explore…

You’ll also need to think about your competitors, your own personal pest control marketing strategy, and how you’re going to keep track of the progress you make. 

All of that can be a lot to manage, but it’s nowhere near impossible, especially if you’re organized. Bugs and pests are never going to go away (if they do so will humanity) and pest control services will always be required across the world. 

There are many ways to market your business, bring in new clients, and create a repeatable marketing strategy for your pest control business. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about pest control marketing. 

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Building an Online Presence for your Pest Control Business

If you own a pest control company, having an online presence where your clients can interact with your business will help give the public eye a positive perception of who you are and what your business does. 

Building an online presence from the ground up isn’t easy, but hopefully, you have something to start with. If you don’t have any online presence for your company – start by doing the simple things – like creating a website and social media accounts. 

On top of making sure your online branding is welcoming and insightful – you can take it one step further and use paid advertising. When using paid web or social media ads, you’ll be able to target a specific audience and its size. For example, you can design an advertisement that targets people who have recently made a google search for help dealing with a common pest and pay to make sure it shows up in their timeline or newsfeed. 

Creating Pest Control Marketing Content Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Providing informational content to your target audience will show that you’re a company that cares about educating its customers. You can create blogs, social media posts, or record videos… the list of ways to present the content you make is endless. (Note: Video is arguably one of the most successful and popular forms of content creation and marketing today). 

It’ll take some trial and error to figure out what your audience responds to best. Once you start to get a better grasp of who your audience is and what sort of content they enjoy, you can create a social media advertising schedule to consistently stay engaged with your past, current, and potential clients. 

If you’re going to create original content – you’ll want to think about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the ‘keywords’ that are related to pest control and the services you offer. Creating content focused on the keywords that best represent your business and what your audience is searching for will help grow your online presence – getting the eyes of more potential clients on your business. 

Using Google Analytics to track how your content is doing will help you gauge where you can improve your content. If you’re interested in learning how to use this tool, you can do so through Google’s Tutorial 

Building and Maintaining a Pest Control Marketing Email List

Collecting contact information from the people that visit your website or social media pages will help you keep in touch with your clients. There are many tools online that can help you manage an email list (Hubspot is a great one that’s easy to use and it even integrates with Commusoft!). 

With organized email lists – you can send first-time offers to potential clients, provide your current clients with helpful DIY pest control tips, or see if past clients are interested in a discounted recurring service. 

Regardless of the types of email lists you build, this will help you market your business and keep the communication flowing between the business and your clients. 

On-Site Customer Service

Something your pest control technicians might not think about is how much on-site customer service can do for your business’s reputation and marketing. You could argue that this is a part of hiring, but having employees who are willing to go above and beyond for the customers will help market your business as one that is willing to go the extra mile. If someone else in a client’s neighborhood is having a similar pest problem (they most likely are) – you’ll get the leg up if the community knows how wonderful it is to work with your technicians. 

Partner With Local Companies or Sponsor Local Events

Partnering with local businesses that offer other home services gives you the opportunity to get your name in front of potential clients. Finding a local partner that’s willing to hand out your information and offer their clients a discount on your behalf will help get you more leads! The only thing you’ll most likely have to do in return is the same thing for their business when you or your technicians are out in the field. Making connections across the trades or field services industry will help grow your online and word-of-mouth presence. 

Sponsoring local events is another simple way to gain some brand recognition. If there are any local events (or even sports teams) that are looking for a sponsor – you can help them out and get your name out there further. Showing that you’re willing to give back to the community will label your business as one that wants the best for the neighborhood it operates it. The more residents know about your business, the more likely they are to reach out for your services. 

Managing Online Reviews

When looking for a pest control service for the first time, a majority of people will start with a google search. If you’ve set up your online presence and webpage properly (using a Google Business profile), this is hopefully where your business will show up in the local results! 

Having this spot where you can invite past clients to leave an online review for your company will help you identify great customer experiences and negative ones as well. 

While positive reviews are great for your pest control marketing plan and business – being able to respond to negative reviews can also help retain a customer that had a memorable experience for the wrong reasons. 

Taking the time to manage online reviews will show the community that you care about the interactions they have with your company. Those looking for pest control services will also be able to get an idea of what your company has to offer in terms of customer experience. 

Marketing your Pest Control Business

As you can see, there’s a lot to do if you’re hoping to develop a pest control marketing plan that raises brand awareness, user engagement, and potential leads! 

You’ll need to get familiar with the technological tools, creating content, and the metrics you need to keep track of.

If you’re in a financial position to hire a specialist to help with your online presence, it might be worthwhile! 

For more useful information on marketing in the trades, explore below: 

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