Ep. 2 | The Field Service Industry Customer Journey
Field Service News & Insights
It’s tempting for business owners and managers to think that having the cheapest prices will get you customers but that’s often a recipe for disaster. This is why we’ve looked at the customer journey and divided it into a couple of touchpoints, like recording contact details, loyalizing customers, setting up recurring income streams, etc. These can then be assessed and improved without it seeming like an insurmountable task anymore.
To get started, check out these related articles:
Hosted By
As Commusoft's US Marketing Executive, Cristina is the main brain behind the content we publish on our blog, always keeping an eye out for how to help service professionals create world class customer journeys. Cristina brings together the most up-to-date marketing knowledge with countless anecdotes overheard from Commusoft clients to offer you the business insights you need to grow your business.
Other Videos in This Series
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Ep. 11 | How To Get More New Customers
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Ep. 10 | How to Earn More Revenue from Re-booking Customers
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Ep. 9 | Increase Your Remote Team’s Productivity
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Ep. 7 | How to Earn More Reliable Recurring Income
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Ep. 4 | Digital Customer Experience in the Trades Industry
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